Raisin Exercise
This activity will help you focus your attention on something so small and simple as a raisin. You can also try this meditation with any other food item. Here are some ideas:
just about anything you want!
Start with your sight. Look at the item, does it look rough or smooth? Does it have any patterns or unique characteristics. Turn it all around and try to discover something you never noticed before.
Next, move to your touch. Is it cold or warm? Does it feel nice in your hand? Rub it on the back of your hand. Does it slide or stick? Notice how you can move your hand and put it where you want it.
Move to your nose and try to smell it. Can you smell anything? If you break it open a little, can you start to smell it now. Take some deep breaths and try to inhale all the scent you can.
It is time to taste. Touch the food to your lips, then to your tongue. Can you instantly taste it? Move it around in your mouth and feel it with your tongue and teeth. Does it take a lot of effort to chew it? How does it taste? Do you like it? Try to find any flavor you never noticed before.
Swallow the food and try to track and imagine it going down your throat into your stomach. How do you feel now? Do you feel like you want more? Do you like the food more or less now?
The goal of this exercise is to help you to live in the present and enjoy the current moment. So much of our life is rushed or spent in our heads worrying. You will find that living in the present moment, being grateful for what you have and being curious and not judgmental will bring more happiness and peace. Practice this activity once a week for several weeks. You will start to notice how savoring every moment will become easier and occur more organically.
Tell us how your experience was!